Board games have been around since the beginning of civilization, with board game designs being found in ancient tombs. From this point on, board game popularity has continued to grow and evolve, though not without undergoing cycles of popularity and lack thereof.
In this blog post, I’ll provide a brief overview on board game development from the early days through to more modern versions.
The Earliest Board Games
Early board games can be traced back to Mesopotamia, where boards were used for royal gaming and gambling purposes.
Senet was one of the earliest board games, which originated during Egypt’s First Dynasty. The rules were eventually written down by a scribe named Reneb, making it one of the oldest known board games that is still played today.
Other famous board games from this era include Mancala and Go, both of which were popular board games in Ancient China and Japan and which are still enjoyed by millions around the world today.
Basic rules of early board games – such as movement, capturing pieces and board layout – were shared across board game cultures. However, board games also evolved to fit local traditions and languages. For example, in Ancient India, board games such as Chaturanga had modified rules for moving pieces around the board, while board games such as Pachisi had unique designs which closely resembled modern-day Ludo.
The Renaissance of Board Games
The Renaissance period saw a renewed interest in board games from Europe, which brought with it some new innovations. Chess was one of the most popular board games of this time, with its simple yet deep mechanics making it an enduring classic to this day. Checkers also began to emerge during this period, bringing with it strategic tactical decisions and exciting board game possibilities.
These two board games rose to prominence during this era due to their great popularity among the elites who had the leisure time to play such board games. The rules for these board games were standardized and written down, allowing them to be passed on through the generations.
The board games of this era were also influential in the development of new board game genres, such as abstract board games and wargames. These board games often featured complex board layouts, rulesets and thematic elements such as military strategy. This led to board game classics such as Reversi and Diplomacy being developed during the Renaissance period.
Board Games In The Modern Day
The modern board game era began with the introduction of Monopoly in the 1930s. This board game quickly rose to prominence, with its simple rules and engaging gameplay allowing it to become a popular board game worldwide.
Modern board games have seen even further innovations with the introduction of unique mechanics, components and themes. Board games such as Settlers of Catan are credited for introducing resource management systems which can be found in many modern board games today. Card-based board games such as 7 Wonders have popularised deckbuilding mechanics, while party board games such as Apples to Apples have become staples of board game nights.
With the advancement of technology, board games have also had a digital renaissance, with board game apps such as Ticket To Ride and Carcassonne being adapted for mobile devices. This has increased board game accessibility and opened up board games to a wider range of players.