Amazing Facts About Cats
Amazing Facts About Cats
Feb 02
Cats are one of the most popular pets in the world. They are known for their intelligence, beauty, and playfulness. Whether or not you are a fan of America’s most popular pet, these facts about our furry feline companions with amaze you!
The Most Amazing Facts About Cats
At some point in everyone’s life, they have interacted with a cat. We all know they have amazingly sharp claws and teeth, the ability to hunt at night, and that their purr can be the sweetest sound after a bad day. But what you are about to learn may surprise you!
Stubbs The Cat: Mayor Of A Town In Alaska
In 1997, no humans wanted to run for mayor of a small town called Talkeetna. When someone jokingly wrote in a vote for Stubbs the cat – the town went with it. For nearly 20 years, Stubbs ruled from his home in Nagley’s Store as the honorary mayor of Talkeetna.
Cats Are Lactose Intolerant
For years people have been giving cats milk thinking it was good for them – but it turns out that cats, like many humans, are actually lactose intolerant. Stop giving them milk, it can cause serious GI upset.
Domestic cats are not the only animals who can suffer from lactose intolerance. Many dogs suffer from lactose intolerance, but it is usually mild in dogs and mild in cats. Since dogs and cats do not share identical diets, it is impossible to tell if your dog has lactose intolerance unless you test him for it. You should however try to feed your dog or cat a vegetarian diet if he is lactose intolerant.
Cats Can Make Over 100 Sounds
Unlike America’s other favorite pet, the dog, which can only make about 10 sounds, cats have a range of more than 100 sounds. But did you know that they only meow at humans? Cat’s typically don’t meow at each other!
Male Cats Are Left-Pawed and Females Are Right
Although this isn’t true 100% of the time, when tested, the vast majority of male cats prefer to use their left paw first and females their right.
The Feline Part Of The Brain That Controls Emotions Is The Same As Humans
You may think that your cat understands what you are feeling – and you may be right.
According to the Animal Behavior Chief at Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine, our brains are incredibly similar and our thought patterns are processed in the same way. Cats even have long-term and short-term memories – a fact that many cat owners can confirm.
Keep in mind that brain size does not determine intelligence – so when your cat outsmarts you, don’t feel bad – they are just smarter than you are!
Jumping Beans – Cats Can Jump Up To Six Times Their Own Length!
Thanks to the powerful muscles in their back legs, cats can jump up to six times their own length and also up to eight feet high!
Each Cat Nose Is Unique
Like human fingerprints, the cat nose has its own set of ridges and no two noses are the same.
Egyptians Moured The Family Cat
Ancient Egyptians believed that cats were connected to the gods and often depicted their pet cat in hieroglyphics and statues. Some even mummified their cats to be placed with loved ones in a tomb. When a family cat died, the members of the family would clearly mourn the loss.
Got A Cat That Brings Home Dead Animals? It Thinks You’re Helpless
When a cat brings home a lizard, mouse, bird, or other dead creature, it may be trying to feed you but not out of affection – the cat thinks that you are a terrible hunter and unable to feed yourself. So yes, in a way, the cat is showing you that it cares.
Researchers Still Don’t Know How A Cat Purrs
That’s right! Despite being the subject of intense study, researchers and veterinarians still don’t understand how a cat generates a purr. However it happens, what is known is that the purr is on a frequency that actually promotes the healing of muscles and nerves.
Guard Cats?
Cats may actually be better at defending themselves than dogs. They do not need to run for their lives when there is danger, since they can turn around and pounce. This is unlike dogs, who sometimes have to drag themselves away from danger.
While cats can be somewhat destructive when they feel they are being threatened, most of them like to keep themselves safe and secure.
Independent Pets
House cats are quite independent animals. It does not take a very active individual to care for a cat and keep them healthy and happy. Since house cats live inside their own little homes, it takes the animal far less attention than the average domesticated animal.
Nevertheless, a domestic cat that is not cared for whatsoever can develop behavioral problems. Under the same lack of care, kittens can also become withdrawn and unhappy.
The Saddest Fact Of All: Thousands Of Cats Are Euthanized In Shelters Each Year
Only about 24% of the cats that are brought to shelters each year are adopted. You can help out by visiting your local shelter and adopting a new family member today!