Test Your Shark Knowledge In Anticipation Of The 30th Annual Discovery Channel Shark Week
Test Your Shark Knowledge In Anticipation Of The 30th Annual Discovery Channel Shark Week
Jul 12
If you’re a sharkophile like I am, you’re probably counting down the days until Discovery Channel’s Shark Week returns for another week of shark specials. There are so many complexities to these incredible creatures, and even the biggest shark nerds can learn something new during Shark Week. 2018 marks the 30th anniversary of the original Shark Week. I thought this would be a great time to focus on sharks for my monthly trivia blog.
Here are some of my favorite interesting facts about sharks in honor of the 30th annual Shark Week:
What Are The Largest & Smallest Sharks?
The diversity of sharks is truly amazing. These magnificent creatures come in a wide variety of colors and there are huge variations in size among different species.
The largest is the Whale Shark, measuring in at a whopping 46 feet on average. Some of these giants can even grow as long as 60 feet. Whale sharks aren’t just the largest sharks, but the largest fish in the ocean.
The smallest sharks are small enough for you to hold in one hand. The dwarf lantern shark measures just six inches long.
Do Freshwater Sharks Exist?
Yes – there are two groups of freshwater sharks. Bull sharks can live in both fresh and saltwater, so they’re often seen in warm, shallow coastal waters as well as rivers and lakes. Additionally, there is a genus of three species of freshwater sharks active in freshwater bodies in South and Southeast Asia, New Guinea, and Australia.
What Are The Most Dangerous Sharks?
Most shark species do not pose any real danger to humans, but the few that do are some of the most imposing predators on the planet.
With movies like Jaws being so popular, it should come as no surprise that Great White Sharks are one of the deadliest species. They can weigh over 3 tons and measure up to 22 feet in length. Additionally, these beasts can accelerate to 35 mph. Although they have no interest in eating humans, they do bite out of curiosity – and a bite from their powerful jaws is estimated to exert 4,000 psi of bite force.
Bull sharks are also extremely powerful and dangerous. And worst of all, you’re much more likely to encounter a bull shark than Great Whites and other dangerous sharks. They spend a good bit of time in shallow coastal waters and can even survive in fresh water, so they occasionally find their way into rivers and lakes.
How Many Species Of Shark Have Been Discovered?
As of 2018, about 440 different species of sharks have been discovered. But like much of the ocean, there are most likely many more that have never been seen by humans. Pretty crazy to think about – I wonder if there are any scary beasts in our oceans that would make a Great White Shark look tame?
How Common Are Shark Attacks?
Fortunately, shark attacks are pretty rare. In 2016, there were 154 incidents of alleged shark-human interaction worldwide. Only 84 of these incidents were considered “unprovoked attacks”, with another 39 involving provoked attacks and 12 involving a shark biting a boat or water vessel. In the United States, only about one person per year is killed by a shark.
Are Sharks Endangered?
Yes, unfortunately, many species of shark are endangered because of human activity. Some people exploit sharks by hunting them for their fins, which can be sold for high prices in certain countries that use them as delicacies, especially in Asia. An estimated 100 million sharks are killed for their fins each year. Commercial fishing also has detrimental effects on shark habitats.